Home » Equipment News » 2013-06-26 10:46 India engraving machine market outlook

2013-06-26 10:46 India engraving machine market outlook

Posted by: Yoyokuo 2021-10-02 Comments Off on 2013-06-26 10:46 India engraving machine market outlook

2013-06-26 10:46India engraving machine market outlook

In recent years, India as an emerging market country’s rapid economic development, the state and increased investment in infrastructure construction, the construction industry led to increased demand for machine tools, foam Mold engraving machine parts casting into production as the key equipment was being constantly Indian companies to introduce, and with the Indian people’s consumption concept and aesthetics are gradually changing, more and more high-end crafts and home decoration industries have been developed, woodworking engraving machine, woodworking machining center market has been rapid development, and promote economic development Indian automobile and auto parts industry, the rapid development, making a huge demand for machine tools in India, became the seventh largest consumer of machine tool market. However, due to India’s weak industrial base, its own machinery producers less engraving machine business is almost zero, dependence on imported machine tools up to 77%, the basic sales agents engraving machine and provide after-sales service, this model can not meet the domestic demand, in this respect, as one kind of Cnc Engraving Machine, in the Indian market potential is huge.
It is to see this market opportunity, Jinan River (GANGER)CNC actively explore the Indian market in recent years, as the industry’s leading and largest manufacturer of engraving machine production and sales, the company through keen observation and perspective, depth between partners with India cooperation, the Indian machine tool service personnel have some basis, trained to take on the general maintenance services, rivers, NC through this cooperation and achieved fruitful results, the company produces various types of wood engraving machine, stone engraving machine, advertising engraving machine foam mold engraving machine and other products, sales of the hot, popular Indian customers praise and love, engraving machine market in India sales prospects.

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